We have a mockup for the new UI of Squirrly SEO which we are showing you today. Please write in the comments here in UI on our public roadmap how you feel about the new UI. https://www.figma.com/proto/T0TpzmOKxa0TwE6qhBmmsU/Squirrly-SEO-Plugin?node-id=476%3A4314&scaling=scale-down-width&page-id=326%3A0&starting-point-node-id=476%3A4314 ^^ start there Write the comments here on the card. Attached, you will see some ideas on how to use the mockup made in Figma, for screen re-sizing and for hiding Figma UI, so you can click the account info on the top menu bar. NOTE: We have tried to make the mock up as close to the real thing as possible. This is what we have until now for all the sections. This is a design and the purpose is to show you the sketch. Please no feedback on: "here I click a button and it doesn't work" << when our coders will get to it, everything will work as expected. Once we get the feedback from all of you we will decide on the next steps (if more design work is needed, or if we can start implementing it). Your feedback is incredibly important and valuable. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thanks to your feedback, we have completely changed our Roadmap for 2021 and we hope you will love the new Squirrly SEO we're making for you.

Attached images

Florin Muresan posted almost 3 years ago

